The Islay Diet Online

The 12 week course that resets all of the rules.

  • Do you long to permanently get off the treadmill of food control, weight yo-yoing up and down, or feeling like your eating is out of control?

  • Are you fed up feeling miserable with your body, self-conscious about clothes, avoiding looking in the mirror, wondering when you "lost you"?

  • Perhaps you dream of that time, many years ago, when you could eat anything and it would never stick to you?

  • Do you feel, deep down, there has to be a better way to live with food, and have a natural sized body, but you are no longer sure how?

There are some worrying diet facts out there!

  • The Yo-Yo Effect

    Approximately 97% of dieters regain everything they lost and then some within three years of each diet.

  • Long Term Misery!!

    An average woman spends 31 years of her life trying to diet, an average man 28 years. Each diet attempt lasts only 5.5 weeks. 

  • Financial Cost!

    Yo-Yo dieters try up to 15 different diets in their life, and spend over $150,000 on fad foods, diet programs, and exercise plans.

Here's the problem!

You are eating healthy foods but putting on weight. You feel out of control and hate how your body looks. Along comes a new diet idea. It "clicks" for you. And... it works! You lose weight! You feel amazing. But in time, despite telling yourself you' will never go back to being that size again, somehow it all piles back on again... And more! Now you feel miserable again! Fed up inside. Not in control. Every day you berate yourself. For weighing too much. For eating too much. For wanting "bad" foods. For not exercising enough. You hate even more what you see in the mirror. Another diet has failed. Why doesn't it last?

There is a different approach... a permanent solution

Let me introduce you to the Islay Diet

This is a 12-week life-changing course that provides the real explanations as to why we put on weight. This game-changing course provides you with effective long-term training and tools to help you permanently stop dieting, to solve yo-yo weight, to put and end to emotional, stress, and boredom eating.

On this course you will

  • Stop the emotional fight with food

  • Nourish your inner self-worth

  • Recognise your fears and heal your feelings

  • Start eating any food again based on your body's needs

  • Connect to your body's intelligence

  • Awaken your unique energy-vibe

  • Rebalance your body without lack, sacrifice, or control

  • Feel empowered to lose weight permanently and naturally

The diet industry simply isn't getting it right!

No one is helping us (until now) to SOLVE the right problem.

Food is not an enemy!

Food is not the problem! Food doesn't even cause weight gain... the slowing down of our energy-vibe is the cause of excess fat stores, and diets, fads, or controls won't solve the issue.

Why are we slowing down our inner energy-vibe?

Over-eating and laying down excess fat for every wild animal in nature is an innate basic survival instinct to store and preserve energy . Human beings are animals too and our bodies respond the same way.

We have to solve the right problem!

When we acknowledge and change what we are trying to survive, we can permanently solve excess weight and our energy-vibe frequency can increase. Survival is the real reason for excess fat reserves.

What are we trying to survive?

Our minds have to deal with, and survive so many fears, stresses, and negativity that impact our lives daily in our modern worlds,  and our bodies carry these fears and stresses as energetic burdens.

What are the biggest causes?

We store negative energy from unprocessed feelings. Our inner-vibes become clogged up with other people's problems. We cripple our bodies and our sense of self by attacking our own self-worth.


Founder of The Islay Wellness Group

Heather Metcalfe

Hello I'm Heather! My mission is to help people feel empowered in all aspects of their lives by finding greater self-worth, confidence, and inner happiness. I'm so lucky to have had an amazing career running companies all over the world, partnering with some truly inspirational people such as the former CEO of Simon Cowell's Syco, and coaching top names in business across industry, media, and fashion. ​However despite my outward success, I used to emotionally stress eat... uncontrollably. I had a yo-yo weight problem and low-self worth. I tried every diet going and I vowed one day I would find a solution not just another fix. I am now so delighted to introduce you to The Islay Diet, this course is more powerful in helping people's inner transformational journey's than I could ever have hoped and I cannot wait to share it with you.

Client testimonials

Understanding the right issue!


Having wrestled with my weight and the 'right' food for years, I didn't think I would ever have the freedom again of eating what I wanted, feeling great, and staying slim. I felt I'd lost all connection with my body and food, and that eating had become a chore. This course has helped me understand that food wasn't the issue, it was my need to over-eat caused by unprocessed emotions and fears have been controlling my relationship with food and blocking the connection with my body. The weight is now beginning to fall off and and I couldn't be happier.

Complex concepts made simple with your explanations!


Heather, personally you are so inspirational and welcoming as a person and I never would have thought that I would enjoy this course and talking about myself as much as I have.  I really feel that the energy, examples, stories, concepts you bring to the sessions give me an understanding of something that has been complicated to me, and I really feel that having an understanding of why, how and when my body is reacting in a certain way or feeling things and how my body is coping with that is amazing.  I am finding this course is just that, amazing.

Found and lost!


On this course I gained self-love, trust in my body and my future, and a renewed appreciation for cake! I lost... feelings of grief around my childhood, so many fears that related to self-worth, and yes (!) I lost weight too!!

Handling stress so much better

Curvy me

“I now know, understand and trust my body on another level. Being able to ask it what it needs and what it wants. It has helped me when feeling unwell, unsure of a decision to make, keep calm under pressure, deal with difficult situations more positively, believe in myself and my capabilities. I have also been able to express and deal with my emotions which I have struggled with prior to completing the course.”

Found my voice

by Francis

“Hi Heather, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the last 12 weeks of reset. I feel like I have found my voice. It was always there, just needed to be freed from years of fears and noise from the world. Your holistic program has given me the courage to put me first and love my life again. I look forward to what comes next for me. I wish you every success in the future as you spread your program and guide others to find their way of existing in peace and love in their bodies. Thank you again”

Years of painful periods vanished!


Ever since my periods started as a teenager, I experienced very painful (excruciating) periods. I never used to really take pain-killers of any sort except for a few days each month on my period when I needed them constantly to function. About halfway through the Islay Diet course, we did some exercises which helped me to become much more comfortable with who I was (personally - this helped me in terms of my sexuality as a woman), I have no longer required to take any painkillers each month. I experienced a significant and consistent reduction in period pain each month and for several months now - for the first time in my life - I have not required pain-killers. I still have some pain but very little and not enough to take painkillers. Such an amazing and unexpected change as a result of this course.”

Buying a new dress without emotional stress


“Hi Heather, I just posted a picture of myself on my personal page and thought I’d share. I was just getting ready to go for a swim and remembered my new dress was delivered earlier today (I haven’t bought a new dress for years… but have a very important occasion approaching!). Anyway, usually this would be extremely stressful! Either I’d love the dress, but it wouldn’t fit, or I can’t find a bra that works with it, or the dress is nothing like how it looks in the photos online and I hate it, or; lastly, I’d love the dress but not have the confidence or self-worth to feel good in / keep it. Well, as soon as I started putting it on, I felt “this might just work” and I absolutely love it! It’s comfy, easy to put on and take off and I feel good in it, despite my hair and make-up far from being done! The reason for posting this, is because I just want to say to others “More of us beautiful women need to start feeling beautiful and knowing that they are beautiful. It’s emotional weight off me that I never thought I’d experience that’s for sure and if I can do it, you can!”. I wouldn’t have got here without you. Xx”

Getting used to my body talking


“I have found an understanding and trust in my body that I haven't had before - I just need to transfer it now to holiday times and when eating out as I would love to be able not come home and have lost momentum. That is not to say that I don't feel strong enough/know that I am strong enough to do it.”

Dealing better with my aches and pains

“I am now able to deal with migraines - not going 'straight for the painkillers' and treating the cause of the pain - blocked sinuses being one example. I can come home from football or intense exercise and be able to 'function' - it would pretty much be home, shower and bed and most often would result in a headache. I now come home feeling nicely tired and well. Listening to my body and taking some food along to training with me, keeping my head cool (not worrying about what I look like spraying water over my head) and putting less pressure on myself have all contributed.”

This course is the best thing I have done!


“Thank you so much Heather - for your time, generosity and amazing ability to help others find who they are and love that person when they do. I almost didn't join the course and I can honestly say it is one of the best decisions of my life to do it and I have found a natural calmness and love for myself that I have never had before. I also know that 'this is not it' it is just the beginning of an exciting journey that I am now excited rather than anxious and stressed to pursue. Thank you also so much – this course and your support are so very much appreciated x”

Feel the Vibe Changes

Before and after photos of Ruth and Ali and extracts from personal feedback to Heather from Ruth.

12-weeks of self-coaching that will transform your life forever!

  • Enhance your confidence and self-esteem

    Expect major positive shifts in how you feel about yourself, bringing about substantial motivation to upgrade your life.

  • Effortlessly recover your natural-sized body

    Your body gently resets to its own unique natural healthy equilibrium. No more weight goals, happy body sizes instead.

  • Stop fighting food, find food-freedom

    You cease the negativity that labels food as bad, unhealthy, sinful, cheating, and instead rebrand foods as nourishing.

  • Stop proving and start feeling

    ​This programme is full of content not discussed by science, nutritionists or health care providers. It recognises and works with your mind, energy body, environment, fears, feelings, and listening to your physical body.​

  • Finding your inner-frequency

    This programme recovers your lost inner vibe, and then food and weight will naturally rebalance, so you never again need to diet to try and feel good about yourself, to find that bit of you that is somehow lost.

  • Boosting your self worth

    ​This programme gets to the heart of your self-worth, inner fears, and any ingrained behavioural patterns that have been preventing you from feeling able to be true to your unique beautiful inner-self, and food becomes a joyful part of life.


Please read this message!

This is a very high impact, deeply transformational, energy healing, self-growth programme that will lighten your body and enlighten your life. It can sometimes be an emotional roller-coaster, exhilarating, eye-opening, and astounding. Curing long-held habits needs determination but the rewards are immense.

How this course works.

There are 4 simple steps to take each week, and don't worry you can spread some of the tasks throughout the week if you wish.

  • Check out the week's overview and objectives, and watch the 15 minute video lesson. The weekly topics follow a progressive deep dive journey through mind, body, energy and environment, designed to help you understand and reclaim your inner-power, take back control of your self-worth, sooth your inner "nasty-voice" and fall in love with living your life.

  • Print out the weekly logbook or open up your hard copy if you have bought one (see FAQ below), answer the daily self-observation journaling question and fill in the food, mood, feelings, and activities sections. There is no weighing, measuring, counting involved. This course works by self-awareness, feeling, soothing, and appreciating.

  • Listen to the weekly 10 minute guided interactive meditation or audio lesson. These provide high impact mind training to help reconnect your mind, body and inner-vibe, and to boost your self-worth. The more you listen and interact the deeper the changes you will experience.

  • Take the weekly self-analysis questionnaire. Changing your relationship with food, your body, and your self-worth requires being honest and vulnerable with yourself, don't worry no one else can see your answers.

Course curriculum

  1. 1
  2. 2
    • Part 1: Matter Over Mind

  3. 3
    • Week 1 - Why do you eat?

    • Week 1 - Meditation (and alternative options)

    • Week 1 - Self Analysis Questionnaire (online)

    • Week 1 - Self Analysis Questionnaire (off-line option)

  4. 4
    • Review of last week

    • Week 2 - Where are your feelings?

    • Week 2 - Testers Q&A

    • Week 2 - Meditation (and alternative options)

    • Week 2 - Self Analysis Questionnaire (Online)

    • Week 2 - Self Analysis Questionnaire (off-line option)

  5. 5
    • Review of last week

    • Week 3 - What weighs you down?

    • Week 3 - Meditation (and alternative options)

    • Week 3 - Self-Analysis Questionnaire (Online)

    • Week 3 - Self Analysis Questionnaire (off-line option)

  6. 6
    • Part 2: Setting Your Body Free

    • A Note About Exercise and alcohol

  7. 7
    • Review of last week

    • Week 4 - Body Talking

    • Week 4 - Meditation (And alternative options)

    • Week 4 - Self-Analysis Questionnaire (online)

    • Week 4 - Self Analysis Questionnaire (off-line option)

  8. 8
    • Review of last week

    • Week 5 - Building trust

    • Week 5 - Meditation (And alternative options)

    • Week 5 - Self Analysis Questionnaire

  9. 9
    • Review of last week

    • Week 6 - Mind Soothing

    • Week 6 - Meditation (And alternative options)

    • Week 6 - Self Analysis Questionnaire

  10. 10
    • Part 3: Vibrating Your Energy

  11. 11
    • Review of last week

    • Week 7 - Igniting Your Inner Power

    • Week 7 - Meditation (And alternative options)

    • Week 7 - Self Analysis Questionnaire

  12. 12
    • Review of last week

    • Week 8 - Releasing Your Mind's Fears

    • Week 8 - Meditation (And alternative options)

    • Week 8 - Self Analysis Questionnaire

  13. 13
    • Review of last week

    • Week 9 - Riding Negativity Storms

    • Week 9 - Audio Lesson

    • Week 9 - Self Analysis Questionnaire

  14. 14
    • Part 4: Living a Holistic Life

  15. 15
    • Review of last week

    • Week 10 - Aligning With Flow

    • Week 10 - Audio lesson

    • Week 10 - Self Analysis Questionnaire

  16. 16
    • Review of last week

    • Week 11 - 360 Degree Awakening

    • Week 11 - Audio Lesson

    • Week 11 - Self Analysis Questionnaire

  17. 17
    • Review of last week

    • Week 12 - Loving Food Freedom

    • Week 12 - Meditation (And alternative options)

    • Week 12 - Self Analysis Questionnaire

  18. 18
    • Review of last week

    • Closing Self Analysis Questionnaire

    • Life beyond the course

  19. 19
    • Bonus Audio Lesson - Energy Storm Support


  • How much time do I have to give this course each week?

    Every day in your log book there is a single journaling question and some tracking to do about your day. This will take about 5 to 10 minutes, which is considerably less than any diet out there that wants you to count, weigh or measure your food. There is none of that needed on this course, just observation and self-reflection are asked for! Then, once a week there is a 15 minute video lesson to watch, a self-analysis questionnaire which takes most people about 15 minutes, and an audio lesson or meditation which lasts for 10 minutes. There is no need to do all of these on the same day, and most people love the relaxing guided meditations so much that they listen to them every day. Indeed the more you interact with your mind using the powerful guided words, the deeper the inner changes are.

  • I have a number of ailments, will I be ok to go on this course?

    We accept no responsibility for any medical conditions for anyone and If you are in any doubt about your health, it is your personal responsibility to seek support from your healthcare providers. This course will however, raise your awareness of the energy and intelligence that resides within your body, it will teach you to listen to your body closely, and connect you to your own inner source of wellbeing - your inner-vibe. Some people have experienced remarkable healing of physical and emotional long term issues on this course, these are people who all followed the tools within the course and found a deep connection to their own true inner-self.

  • You mention using a logbook in the course, how do I get hold of one?

    In the course content, there is a downloadable (PDF format) version of the logbook which you can print, or store on a readable, or read/write device. This is free. If you would like a hard copy of the logbook, you can buy one from your country's Amazon site. Just type The Islay Diet Logbook into Amazon product search. You will need to pay to buy this book in your local currency and have it delivered. If you choose to join a group Islay Diet course with weekly live coaching from Heather, or private Islay Diet course which includes confidential life-coaching and energy-healing from Heather then a hard copy logbook is delivered to you free of charge.

Bonus Extras

Self-coaching online doesn't mean you are completely alone!

  • Private Facebook Group

    When you sign up for the course you will find a link to The Islay Diet private Facebook group. Join us for news, events, and support from advanced and qualified Islay Dieters.

  • Questions Welcome

    Heather's mission is to help people to help themselves to find greater happiness. She asks for regular feedback throughout the course and always welcomes any questions.

  • Live Meet-Ups

    Heather hosts regular live meet-up calls where everyone who is on the course or has finished and wants to keep in touch, can join in this friendly and supportive group coaching.

The Islay Diet Online

The pricing options for this self-coaching course are as follows. You will also receive regular invitations to join Heather live and free to join, to receive real in-person coaching.

A few extra thoughts!

  • Changing the rules

    If we were getting it right, world obesity would not be increasing, and you would not have spent all those years and all that money struggling to feel good.

  • Immediate access

    You will almost immediately enjoy rediscovering how to live in food freedom and reconnect with your beautiful intelligent supportive body.

  • Putting yourself first

    When we live our lives the wrong way, we lose energy and gain weight. It's time to start living your life the right way, your way, and being true to your real self.