The Islay Diet Online
No more emotional eating. No more yoyo weight. Learn how to eat what you want again and naturally lose weight without lack, sacrifice, or controls. This is a 12-week course that recovers your food freedom
The 12 week course that resets all of the rules.
Do you long to permanently get off the treadmill of food control, weight yo-yoing up and down, or feeling like your eating is out of control?
Are you fed up feeling miserable with your body, self-conscious about clothes, avoiding looking in the mirror, wondering when you "lost you"?
Perhaps you dream of that time, many years ago, when you could eat anything and it would never stick to you?
Do you feel, deep down, there has to be a better way to live with food, and have a natural sized body, but you are no longer sure how?
Let me introduce you to the Islay Diet
Stop the emotional fight with food
Nourish your inner self-worth
Recognise your fears and heal your feelings
Start eating any food again based on your body's needs
Connect to your body's intelligence
Awaken your unique energy-vibe
Rebalance your body without lack, sacrifice, or control
Feel empowered to lose weight permanently and naturally
No one is helping us (until now) to SOLVE the right problem.
Food is not the problem! Food doesn't even cause weight gain... the slowing down of our energy-vibe is the cause of excess fat stores, and diets, fads, or controls won't solve the issue.
Over-eating and laying down excess fat for every wild animal in nature is an innate basic survival instinct to store and preserve energy . Human beings are animals too and our bodies respond the same way.
When we acknowledge and change what we are trying to survive, we can permanently solve excess weight and our energy-vibe frequency can increase. Survival is the real reason for excess fat reserves.
Our minds have to deal with, and survive so many fears, stresses, and negativity that impact our lives daily in our modern worlds, and our bodies carry these fears and stresses as energetic burdens.
We store negative energy from unprocessed feelings. Our inner-vibes become clogged up with other people's problems. We cripple our bodies and our sense of self by attacking our own self-worth.
Heather Metcalfe
12-Weeks to Food Freedom
Please read this message!
There are 4 simple steps to take each week, and don't worry you can spread some of the tasks throughout the week if you wish.
Check out the week's overview and objectives, and watch the 15 minute video lesson. The weekly topics follow a progressive deep dive journey through mind, body, energy and environment, designed to help you understand and reclaim your inner-power, take back control of your self-worth, sooth your inner "nasty-voice" and fall in love with living your life.
Print out the weekly logbook or open up your hard copy if you have bought one (see FAQ below), answer the daily self-observation journaling question and fill in the food, mood, feelings, and activities sections. There is no weighing, measuring, counting involved. This course works by self-awareness, feeling, soothing, and appreciating.
Listen to the weekly 10 minute guided interactive meditation or audio lesson. These provide high impact mind training to help reconnect your mind, body and inner-vibe, and to boost your self-worth. The more you listen and interact the deeper the changes you will experience.
Take the weekly self-analysis questionnaire. Changing your relationship with food, your body, and your self-worth requires being honest and vulnerable with yourself, don't worry no one else can see your answers.
Introduction & Welcome Video
FREE PREVIEWSlides from Introduction Video
Course Overview
Part 1: Matter Over Mind
Week 1 - Why do you eat?
Week 1 - Meditation (and alternative options)
Week 1 - Self Analysis Questionnaire (online)
Week 1 - Self Analysis Questionnaire (off-line option)
Review of last week
Week 2 - Where are your feelings?
Week 2 - Testers Q&A
Week 2 - Meditation (and alternative options)
Week 2 - Self Analysis Questionnaire (Online)
Week 2 - Self Analysis Questionnaire (off-line option)
Review of last week
Week 3 - What weighs you down?
Week 3 - Meditation (and alternative options)
Week 3 - Self-Analysis Questionnaire (Online)
Week 3 - Self Analysis Questionnaire (off-line option)
Part 2: Setting Your Body Free
A Note About Exercise and alcohol
Review of last week
Week 4 - Body Talking
Week 4 - Meditation (And alternative options)
Week 4 - Self-Analysis Questionnaire (online)
Week 4 - Self Analysis Questionnaire (off-line option)
Review of last week
Week 5 - Building trust
Week 5 - Meditation (And alternative options)
Week 5 - Self Analysis Questionnaire
Review of last week
Week 6 - Mind Soothing
Week 6 - Meditation (And alternative options)
Week 6 - Self Analysis Questionnaire
Part 3: Vibrating Your Energy
Review of last week
Week 7 - Igniting Your Inner Power
Week 7 - Meditation (And alternative options)
Week 7 - Self Analysis Questionnaire
Review of last week
Week 8 - Releasing Your Mind's Fears
Week 8 - Meditation (And alternative options)
Week 8 - Self Analysis Questionnaire
Review of last week
Week 9 - Riding Negativity Storms
Week 9 - Audio Lesson
Week 9 - Self Analysis Questionnaire
Part 4: Living a Holistic Life
Review of last week
Week 10 - Aligning With Flow
Week 10 - Audio lesson
Week 10 - Self Analysis Questionnaire
Review of last week
Week 11 - 360 Degree Awakening
Week 11 - Audio Lesson
Week 11 - Self Analysis Questionnaire
Review of last week
Week 12 - Loving Food Freedom
Week 12 - Meditation (And alternative options)
Week 12 - Self Analysis Questionnaire
Review of last week
Closing Self Analysis Questionnaire
Life beyond the course
Bonus Audio Lesson - Energy Storm Support
Every day in your log book there is a single journaling question and some tracking to do about your day. This will take about 5 to 10 minutes, which is considerably less than any diet out there that wants you to count, weigh or measure your food. There is none of that needed on this course, just observation and self-reflection are asked for! Then, once a week there is a 15 minute video lesson to watch, a self-analysis questionnaire which takes most people about 15 minutes, and an audio lesson or meditation which lasts for 10 minutes. There is no need to do all of these on the same day, and most people love the relaxing guided meditations so much that they listen to them every day. Indeed the more you interact with your mind using the powerful guided words, the deeper the inner changes are.
We accept no responsibility for any medical conditions for anyone and If you are in any doubt about your health, it is your personal responsibility to seek support from your healthcare providers. This course will however, raise your awareness of the energy and intelligence that resides within your body, it will teach you to listen to your body closely, and connect you to your own inner source of wellbeing - your inner-vibe. Some people have experienced remarkable healing of physical and emotional long term issues on this course, these are people who all followed the tools within the course and found a deep connection to their own true inner-self.
In the course content, there is a downloadable (PDF format) version of the logbook which you can print, or store on a readable, or read/write device. This is free. If you would like a hard copy of the logbook, you can buy one from your country's Amazon site. Just type The Islay Diet Logbook into Amazon product search. You will need to pay to buy this book in your local currency and have it delivered. If you choose to join a group Islay Diet course with weekly live coaching from Heather, or private Islay Diet course which includes confidential life-coaching and energy-healing from Heather then a hard copy logbook is delivered to you free of charge.